Thursday, March 24, 2011

Personal Marketing - Getting fit at 40

Have you looked around at your old high school and college buddies and wondered "what happened to them?"  If you looked in the mirror and were really honest with yourself you would ask yourself the same question.  We don't notice our own weight gain so much because it's usually so gradual.  But be honest, you probably look like your friends too.

So you are in your 40's now and have been launched into the dating scene - something you didn't think would happen during your years of marriage. But here you are now and all of the sudden you have to start looking good again.

It's possible that part of the failure in your marriage or past relationship, or why you are struggling to get a date, is because of your weight.  It's not about being unattractive because you are a few pounds, or a lot of pounds, above what you should be.  It's about what signal you are emitting by being supersized.  And by the way, this isn't just about looking good for the women, being healthy looking can also help you with getting that good job, getting that promotion or making that big sale.  When you are out of shape it sends a message laziness and not caring about yourself, which means you may not care about a lot of things.

So, what to do about this problem?  It's really not as hard as it seems.  Most likely you gradually put on all this weight so you have to think about gradually taking it off.  Most people who go on these super diets show remarkable results immediately but they also show you how remarkable it is to put it back on so quickly. 


The less time you spend working out the more you will start doing it on a regular basis.  If you just spend about 20 minutes a day working on your cardio it will be much easier to keep to this commitment.  Twenty minutes a day is nothing.  Those who try to commit to an hour or more often find they don't have that time and then they end up skipping a workout and eventually an entire week of workouts to the point where they stop exercising.  

As far as dieting goes, again, make this gradual.  It's important to be a calorie counter.  For most people, you can still eat some of those things you absolutely have to have but just eat less of it.  If you love ice cream, then eat a smaller bowl and only a couple of times a week, not every night before you go to bed.  The same goes for all that pizza you eat or burgers and soda you consume.  Just like exercising, if you don't go so extreme the odds will be in your favor to keep on task.

If you keep to this lifestyle change of simple exercise and simple eating changes finding a date will become much simpler.

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