Thursday, June 14, 2012

30 Days of Yes - The Balancing Act Now

Okay, so on my last blog the picture of me in Patterson, NY was sideways. I tried many times to make the photo right side up and it just wouldn't do it. Maybe it's remaining sideways because that just how I'm feeling - a bit sideways. Not like wine-drinking sideways but more like being balanced.

My kids are with me for the first half of summer so I am trying to balance "enjoying the now" with them (giving them a summer to remember) and my act of finding full-time work while working on some TV news stories for HEC TV. Speaking of that let me give a little plug for HEC TV and a shameless one for me. Currently, there's a piece I did about a Writers Week at Hazelwood West High School here in St. Louis. I actually went to do a story on best-selling author Ridley Pearson (I'm still doing that one too) and when I followed him to this extraordinary event I ended up finding a second story now airing on a show called "Behind the Minds."

I just finished up a story about a former St. Louis weather meteorologist who has come up with a formula to forecast pollen movement so allergy sufferers can better prepare themselves for those heavy pollen days. St. Louis is one of the toughest places in the nation for those affected by allergies. That story will air in a couple of weeks on a show called "Innovations."

Today, I'm trying to bang out a script about the St. Louis Sports Commission. The story focuses on how they bring in big dollar events to St. Louis, like the NCAA basketball Sweet 16/Elite 8 rounds. My story will focus on their sportsmanship brigade. The Commission's sportsmanship foundation goes around to youth games recognizing good sportsmanship and citing poor sportsmanship.

It's pretty stressful looking for work 24/7 and entertaining the kids 24/7. The 30 Days of Yes activities have helped me have a sense of calm though. As I mentioned before for those who don't know me, I'm pretty mellow to begin with but my insides to acknowledge the pressure. I'm really working on the whole idea of "living in the now." Coincidentally, someone bought "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle and gave it to me upon my return from my trip out East. This person did not know that I was beginning to focus on "living in the now." Yesterday, a well-connected executive placement consultant took time to meet with me. I mentioned how I am really trying to balance kid time with job search time at the moment. I am realizing that if I get off the computer and focus on my children I'm not going to miss out on a job listing. That job posting will still be there when I get back to my laptop. I'm not saying that I don't take this process seriously. Believe me, I put my best foot forward when researching a job and applying for it. I just don't want to regret lost time with my family because I spent time spitting out a bunch of job applications when my time would be better spent being a fun father.

As I am now half way through 30 Days of Yes activities these three questions are being asked of me.

1. What has been your biggest challenge thus far?
    a. Trust. Trust that if I continue to do this I will see results. Remember, since I have started this I have not received a job offer or a windfall of money, or a call to forgive the debts. So, it can be easy to think "this isn't working." But... to be answered in the questions below.

2) What have you been most inspired by?
    a. I'm inspired by the beauty of life (even here in St. Louis). The opportunity to be with great people, be loved and supported, the experiences I have had throughout life including jobs and vacations.

3) What are you most grateful for from the first two weeks?
    a. here's the rest on the "but.... sentence I began above in answer to question # 1. Although my biggest struggle is "trusting" these activities will work while remaining patient through the process, I have learned to soak up the good I have received and all the good that is going on right "now."

The idea of 30 Days of Yes activities is not to have a specific result (so I believe) but to live your life to it's fullest by enjoying, open and positive. With that attitude you will be inspired, work joyously for what you need and want and then the opportunities will come.

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