Sunday, May 13, 2012

30 Days of Yes - Day 1 (The Letter)

Previously on LOST in St. Louis? - I Haven't Had a Full-Time Job in a Year and My New Passion and Purpose is to Stop "Looking" for Jobs:

I briefly described how I got to St. Louis from Hawaii and a little bit about myself and my journey as a father, grandfather, broadcast TV producer, marketing executive, and college basketball coach who is starting to focus on finding my passion as opposed to "looking" aimlessly for a job. I came to this realization after applying for nearly 200 jobs in a year. Then I happened to have a "catch up" meeting with a friend of mine, Travis Thomas, who is a "purpose coach" and has launched "30 Days of Yes."

It was supposed to be a meeting where, in the end, I would give him some marketing advice but instead I was so intrigued by his program that the meeting evolved into "what he can do for me."

I have always been a very positive person but there's no doubt I have often felt that bigger things were meant for other people and it was my job to help others become bigger. I still love doing that but I believe that if I become bigger I can be a much bigger help in helping others become bigger. It's like putting on your oxygen mask first before your children. I used to think that was so wrong when the flight attendants would instruct you to do that "in case of an emergency." I thought, "why would you not save your young children first?" Well duh, if you don't take care of yourself first then you won't be able to take care of your children at all. It's not a selfish thing, it's an important thing, a practical and smart thing. I'm ready to be great so I can help others be great. We all can be great. The Great Card isn't just handed out to a few. Actually the Great Card isn't handed out to anyone. It's our job to go find the Great Card and that's where I'm heading to - to pick up my Great Card.

The other thing that seems to hold me back is fear of not succeeding. Believe me, I have taken some personal risks, career risks (not many people go from marketing to coaching college basketball and opening up your own business is not for everyone), and life risks (nothing that would kill me though). I know though, when I take those risks, I have take them in trepidation and not with complete confidence.

From here on out I am ready to learn what "Yes" really means for me and how "Yes" is not just a polite response to agree with someone or to agree to do something but a proactive action of confidence, conviction, and most of all - passion.

And according to "30 Days of Yes" yes is:

YES is abundance. There is no room for limited thinking.
YES is empowerment. I will not allow myself to be a victim.
YES is selfless. It is not about what I can “get” – but rather, asking the question, what can I give?”
YES is about having more, as we discover we need less.
YES is always a CHOICE – your choice!

Day 1 of 30 Days of  Yes: 

Here's the introduction from the 30 Days of Yes e-book. I told you Travis has a pretty good sense of humor too.

Who should NOT sign-up for 30 Days of YES?
30 Days of YES is not for everyone.
Specifically, if you have life all figured out – DO NOT do 30 Days of YES.
If living your best potential is not important to you - DO NOT do 30 Days of YES.
If the words purpose, passion, and happiness do not resonate with you - DO NOT do 30 Days of YES.
If you have a desire to control things - DO NOT do 30 Days of YES.
If staying in your safe comfort zone is where you want to be - DO NOT do 30 Days of YES.
If you are not open to personal transformation - DO NOT do 30 Days of YES.
If you take “F U” out of “fun - DO NOT do 30 Days of YES.
For everyone else – it’s going to be an awesome ride!

I will get a new activity everyday. We are advised not to look ahead except after we complete the assignment. We are allowed to look at the next activity for preparation purposes. The assignments are not lengthy. I have been told some will push us out of our comfort zone but none will be physically uncomfortable. For example, I asked if I would have to get on an actual roller coaster since I don't like roller coasters. Travis said, no. Thank God because I have never been on one (except for Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean - don't laugh. I know that doesn't count as one.) Believe it or not I have done national PR for Theme Park highlighting the latest thrill rides. Some how I was able to successfully work on the account without getting on one.

Day 1 Activity: Back to the Future…

Write a letter to yourself that you will open and read again in 31 days! In the letter, detail all of the reasons you decided to embark on this 30 Days of YES journey.
o Why did you decide to say YES?
o What obstacles are showing up in your life?
o What goals are you thinking about right now?
o What one or two things in your life would you like to improve upon?
o Are you truly happy?

In my letter I answered the above questions as directed:

  • I decided to say "Yes" because I know I need to make some changes about how I mentally approach my life but more specifically because I need to start following my passion and not just simply "follow" the daily job search rigor.
  • Obstacles: Not gaining the abundance and full comfort of living. I figure if I can have the same outlook about wealth as I do for my daily health I would be extremely wealthy. I never doubt my health for a second and I am so blessed to not have any ailments. I don't want to ever have any doubt about my finances either.
  • Goals: I want to be able to continue to excel in the areas of marketing, broadcast, and coaching so I can help others put on their oxygen mask and realize their dreams. I'm not a big believer in handouts but I am a big believer in assisting and encouraging others with their passion and ideas. I would love to be in a big office someday having meetings where I say "yes" to people's ideas by financing them and advising them. That's where I see myself.
  • What can I improve upon?: As I mentioned earlier, I want to improve upon my "can do" attitude for myself. I am always resolution oriented when it comes to my work, bosses and clients, but I need to be resolution oriented when it comes to my aspirations. When I become successful I guarantee I can many more become successful. I need to take risks with success in mind and not possible failure in mind. 
  • Am I truly happy? I really am! I love my family and friends. I am so grateful to be healthy and be able hit the gym everyday and even play some full-court basketball. I love all the things I have experienced and still experience from travel, to food, to special events. I am very happy with my social life! I absolutely love live. But I am very stressed out about the finances and that often bogs me down and slows down my progress. After years of living in the most expensive place in the country and often holding down 2-3 jobs to pay the rent/mortgage and send my kids to pre-school (a long time ago) and then finding myself in a job transition time for the past year in a down economy is pretty stressful. I'm not feeling sorry for myself because I know many others are in the same boat and many others are in boats with bigger holes than my boat facing bigger waves than I'm facing but for me, it weighs on me pretty heavily.  After I work through this I will be truly, truly happy.
I told you we are allowed to look at the next day's activity. So hear it is: We get to write a letter of gratitude to someone in our life. We get to write  it old fashioned style. No Facebook post, e-mail, word processor (that would be computer for you young folks) or text - this is a letter that the post office will deliver written on paper with ink or pencil.

I have so much to be grateful for and so many people I am grateful to so I could write thousands of letters but remember these activities are not supposed to be lengthy.  I have already chosen who the letter is going to but won't reveal that yet as the letter still needs to be delivered and today's Sunday so it's not going anywhere today. 

In addition to the letter though and in the spirit of Mother's Day, I am extremely grateful for my mom. She's is a great mom and continues to be to this day. I have learned so much from her. I know I am an awesome father because of what I learned from her and my father.

Happy Mother's Day Mom.

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